fast aid First Aid


Fast Aid is a completely autonomous modular system suited to act quickly with a first aid approach and appropriate to carry out a first response in critical conditions, where a structure has to be efficient and put to work quickly with only a few days before it operates autonomously.

Speed transfer in a single truck
Integration of all components of logistics and health in only two shelters with ISO20 sizeĀ 
Fast start-up structure (can be operational in less than 120 minutes).
Reduced number of workers required (about 6 people)
Up to 72 hours of self-sufficiency
Modularity of shelters and tents
Fully equipped for diagnosis and medical treatment
Emergency Operation Room of over 30 m

Shelter con vano tecnico

  • Emergency Solutions fornisce spazi sanitari immediati permettendo in tempi rapidi di adattarsi alle continue evoluzioni tecnologiche in atto in questa epoca
  • Studiamo e realizziamo per voi soluzioni avanzate per rispondere alle minacce globali di salute
  • Emergency Solutions provides immediate healthcare space allowing rapid adaption to the continuous technological evolutions underway in this era
  • We study and realize advanced solutions for you to respond to global health threats
Emergency Solutions, fornisce ospedali mobili modulari, in grado di rispondere ad esigenze di ristrutturazione dell'ospedale e in caso di emergenze sanitarie ed umanitarie.
Emergency Solutions supplies modular mobile hospitals, capable of responding to hospital restructuring needs and in the event of health and humanitarian emergencies.
24/7 Customer care
Phone+39 0577 392234